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We are the pioneers of Demat services in India. The key service of StockHolding is to electronically store the shares and securities owned by the investors through the registered Depository i.e NSDL (National Securities Depository Limited) and CDSL (Central Depository Services Limited). Depository service is one of the most technologically advanced services in the financial sector. Each investor holds a dematerialization (demat) account under which shares and securities are maintained. As a result, stock trading is free from delays, theft, forgeries and last but not the least, from paper work. Stockholding team is aided by the latest technological expertise, online connectivity and synchronization of their extensive branch network and ensures perfection in the entire demat operation.

  • For Trust registered under the Public Trust act 1860 / Societies Registration act / Bombay Public Trust act / public trust act in force in the state, open a demat account in the name of a trust. If the trust is a private or unregistered trust then a demat account shall be opened in the name of trusties as an individual account. If the trust has more than three trusties, then they will have to decide in whose name the demat account will be opened.

  • Open a Demat Account for nominee shareholder holding jointly with the holding company. The account also allows for conversion from physical to demat.

  • Opening of Demat Account only in the names of Partners and operated by the partners for safe keeping of securities that belong to the Partnership Firm. Facility to open Limited Liability Partnership firm demat account in the name of the LLP .

  • Seamless account Opening for Banks/Institutional Investors /Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs)

  • Expertise in opening of Government Bodies Demat Account with many such accounts already making StockHolding one of the leading Depository Participant to hold such accounts

  • The account should be opened in the name as mentioned in the Scheme, which is approved by a competent authority and is in accordance with SEBI regulations. Further, the operation of such account should be governed by the terms and conditions of escrow agreement.

  • The demat account will be be opened in the name as – Unclaimed Suspense Account” and the demat account will only be used for specified purpose.

  • Especially, if you are an unlisted company, wanting to transact in your physical shares, opening a DEMAT Account with us will make it happen faster and includes ISIN creation as well.

  • Now you can receive statement by e-mail. A monthly statement will be sent to the e-mail id specified by you when there are transactions in your account. This is as per current NSDL guidelines. In addition, you will also receive the annual statement to assist you in filing income tax returns. The e-mail statement will be authenticated by a digital signature obtained from a Certifying Authority under the Information Technology Act, 2000. This will allow you to verify that the statement is sent by StockHolding only and that the contents of the same have not been altered during transmission. Please note that the statements are sent via standard email and are therefore only as secure as standard email transmission through the Internet. Since the email transmission is not encrypted, it is not necessarily protected from unauthorised access.
  • To subscribe for the facility or to update your email id, please complete and send at the address specified in the form. You can also submit the same at your nearest StockHolding Branch offering Demat Services.



Dedicated corporate team

We have a team that is committed to helping you open your corporate DEMAT account


Customised transactions

We make it possible to customise transaction uploads and report options


Digital convenience

Online transaction facility is facilitated through our unique product - Transnet

The StockHolding Advantage

Pan India presence
Robust Branch network
Wide product range
Professionals with strong
domain knowledge
Quality service